교육 과정 Curriculum
학사 Bachelor Photography
1학년 1st Year
사진학개론 <Introduction to Photography> 행위와수용 <Action and Acceptance>
기초사진실기(1) <Basic Photography(1)>
디지털이미지론 <Survey of Digital Image>
문화콘텐츠활용방법론 <Study on Utilization Methodologies of Cultural Contents>
영상문화의 실제 <Practical Theory of Media Culture> 기초사진실기(2) <Basic Photography(2)>
암실실기 <Practical Techniques for Darkroom>
2학년 2nd Year
세계사진사 <History of Photography>
중급사진실기 <Intermediate Photography>
이미지편집실기(1) <Image Editing(1)>
한국사진사 <History of Korean Photography>
공연영상창작론 <Study of Performing Art, Film and Creative Writing>
조명실기 <Practical Skill of Lighting>
이미지편집실기(2) <Image Editing(2)>
3학년 3rd Year
조형사진론 <Theory of Photography as Plastic Arts>
광고사진프로젝트(1) <Project of Commercial Photography(1)>
예술사진프로젝트(1) <Project of Fine Art photography>
디지털미디어프로젝트(1) <Digital Media Project(1)>
매체사진 워크샵(1) <Workshop for Photography in Media (1)>
작가론 <Study of Photographer Artists>
광고사진프로젝트(2) <Project of Commercial Photography(2)>
예술사진프로젝트(2) <Project of Fine Art Photography(2)>
디지털미디어프로젝트(2) <Digital Media Project(2)>
매체사진워크샵(2) <Workshop for Photography in Media (2)>
사진교과교재연구및지도법 <Study On Photography Curriculum>
사진교과교육론 <Education Theory of Photography>
사진교과논리및논술 <Study on Photography Curriculum>
4학년 4th Year
사진미학 <Aesthetics Of Photography>
예술사진세미나(1) <Seminar in Fine art Photography(1)>
디지털미디어세미나(1) <Digital Media Seminar(1)>
광고사진세미나(1) <Seminar of Commercial Photography(1)>
예술사진세미나(2) <Seminar in Fine Art Photography(2)>
디지털미디어세미나(2) <Digital Media Seminar(2)>
광고사진세미나(2) <Seminar of Commercial Photography(2)>
석사 Master Photography
광고사진 1, 2 <Advertising Photography I, II>
디지털사진 <Digital Photography>
디지털세미나 <Digital Seminar>
전공연구 I <Studies in Major I>
공간과 사진설치 <Space and Installation>
예술사진프로젝트 <Fine Art Photography Project>
현대사진론 <Theory of Contemporary Photography>
예술사진비평 <Criticism in Art Photography>
사진공공미술제작 <Photography in Public Art>
예술사진공동작업 <Collaboration in Fine Art Photography>
현대예술사진 <Contemporary Fine Art Photography>
사진전시제작 <Production of Photography Exhibition>
예술사진과 포트폴리오 <Fine Art Photography and Portfolio>
웹미디어콘텐츠 <Web Media Contents>
영상제작론 <Theory of Moving Image>
뉴미디어제작론 <Methodology of New Media>
비디오아트 <Video Art>
디지털사진과 컬러매니지먼트 <Digital Photography and Color Management>
건축사진 <Architectural Photograph>
광고디자인특강 <Topics in Advertising Design>
패션사진 <Fashion Photography>
광고론 <Theory of Advertising>