재학생/졸업생 활동 Students/Alumni Activities
대학생활 Student Life
Special Lecture, Artist’s Talk, Workshop
국내외 전문가 특강 및 멘토링
포트폴리오 리뷰, 사진가를 위한 드로잉 등 워크숍
Exhibition Projects
주요 수상 및 전시참여
Awards & Notable Exhibitions of Students/Alumni
The Master Fine Arts Grant (Taehwan Jeon, 2022), Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Zurich
Song Eun Art Cube Artist Award (Youngho Jeong, 2021), Seoul
Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News Photography (Kyung-hoon Kim, 2020), New York
2018 Dior Photo Award for Emerging Talents (Yoonkyung Jang, 2018), Arles
FOAM TALENT (Taejoong Kim, 2016), Amsterdam
Photoireland Festival-Winner of Best Portfolio (Youngdon Jung, 2015), Dublin
WORLD PRESS PHOTO, Amsterdam; Kumho Young Artist-Winner, Kumho Museum of Art, Seoul
Daum Artist Prize, Seoul; Song Eun Art Cube Artist Award, Seoul
Joongang Fine Arts Prize, Seoul; Hanmi Photography Award 2007, Seoul
Ilwoo Photography Prize, Seoul; KT&G Sangsangmadang Korean Photographer’s Fellowship, Seoul
Dong-Gang Photography Prize, Dong-Gang…
Houston Fotofest(USA), Helsinki Biennial(Finland), Moscow Biennial(Russia), Daegu International Photo Biennale (Korea), Busan Biennale(Korea), Odense Photo Triennale(Denmark), Paris Photo(France), Photo London(UK), Photoireland(Ireland), +1000 Fotofestival(Switzerland), Lianzhou Foto (China), Busan Biennale(Korea), Gwangju Biennale(Korea), Changwon Sculpture Biennale(Korea), Liverpool Biennial(UK)…